Sync data from

Sync data from

Microsoft Bing Ads

Microsoft Bing Ads

Microsoft Bing Ads

Understand campaign performance

Understand campaign performance

Understand campaign performance

Inbound syncs

Pull data from this source into Snowflake.

Inbound syncs

Pull data from this source into Snowflake.

Inbound syncs

Pull data from this source into Snowflake.

Standard plugin

Fully tested, optimised and supported by Omnata as a standard tier plugin.

Standard plugin

Fully tested, optimised and supported by Omnata as a standard tier plugin.

Standard plugin

Fully tested, optimised and supported by Omnata as a standard tier plugin.

Get started in minutes

Install from the Snowflake Marketplace, fully supported, documented and ready to go.

Get started in minutes

Install from the Snowflake Marketplace, fully supported, documented and ready to go.

Get started in minutes

Install from the Snowflake Marketplace, fully supported, documented and ready to go.

Plugin capabilities


Inbound Syncs

Omnata will automatically fetch data incrementally, where supported, reverting to full-refresh if not. You can the choose storage behaviour, merge or keep history. For specific use cases, you can choose a sync strategy for each stream.


For the details on authentication, supported objects and sync strategies, visit our docs.


We can quickly add new features and object support for plugins.

We can quickly add new features and object support for plugins.

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